Nut Measurement - 2020 Season

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The NIS Sorter/Scanner needed to be modified to do the measurements. For the 2020 season there wasn’t a lot of time to get this done but a new device better suited to the task was ready in early January, the first test samples were collected in mid-January and the main sampling was performed in the month of February and first week of March.

Nuts were collected from 130 sites across seven regions and nine varieties, in total 12,575 nuts were scanned.

Sample Sites
Sample Sites

At the end of the sampling process at geo-referenced map of nut size variation was produced.

Nut Size Map
Nut Size Map

And an estimate of the distribution kernel sizes to be expected.

Size Distribution
Size Distribution

Individual grower/cooperator reports were also produced.


This work was made possible by the financial support of the Australian Macadamia Society and the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association.