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This site covers Hidden Valley Plantations robotics projects, targeting several aspects of macadamia production and research.
Current Projects
Drone Harvester A small remote controlled harvester for collecting trial plot yields and commercial harvest on small farms. Longer term it will be autonomous.
Orchard Autonomy Pack A self-contained set of sensors, software and driver electronics that allows devices such as the Drone Harvester to become fully autonomous.
NIS Sorter/Scanner An electronic sorter that prioritises high accuracy and repeatability above speed. It can also be used as a quality scanner.
Nut Measurement Project Using a modified version of the Sorter/Scanner to do industry wide pre-season nut measurements to forecast the upcoming crop.
In Field Dehusker A husker used when harvesting trial plots; it allows weights to be done immediately in field without the logistics of taking samples back to base for dehusking.
Other Things This section is a collection of various bits, pieces, techniques and commentary obliquely related to these projects.

Hidden Valley Plantations (external link) These projects grew out of our macadamia business.